world final fantasy 9 map

world final fantasy 9 map

Total 4 more continent and many more mlenkih islets.
The first continent: here begins the game itself as more land is a city Alexandria.

Second: here is desert land, sand dunes and eternal unbearable solar heat.

Third: to the peninsula mostly mountainous area dominated by cliffs, gorges and edistvenny Ipsena castle where you visited as passing the main storyline.

And the last continent: the land of eternal cold and ice volcano on the island is, winter beautiful city when you get your first conveyance when arriving at this island will be able to notice blocks of ice or icebergs near the coasts.

These cards are presented:
Without guidance from their location and ukozaniyam location on the world final fantasy 9 map.

3 комментария:

Unknown комментирует...

Thanks for the update...these help to play the game.

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Christina комментирует...

thanks for ur updates